Saturday, March 20, 2010

Poole House Lake Weyba


I looked into this house, as it was intriguing and in my eyes. It seemed relevant and designed in an appropriate structural from when compared to Glenn Murcutt's designs.

The information I found was mainly in the book, "Gabriel Poole, Space in which a soul can play" by Bruce Walker (1998).

The site of Gabriel and Elizabeth Poole Design Company, also supplied me with a basic information and some structural plans.

Three Main Points

-Environmental Filter, The house responds well in its context. It is designed to use or resist the sun, and also have effective natural ventilation, through the surrounding panels and roof design.

-Container of Human activities, One of the most prominent design feature of the building is the break down of human activities. The house is designed to incorporate the public to private area transition. This is seen through the scale and placement of the three section of the house.

-Delight, The house is a delightful experience due to the unique nature. It is the 3 segregated sections of the parti, that create the breakdown in spacial use and basis of the house. The experience is changed by separating areas of differing human function.

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